Sailax AI

AI Traffic Solutions

Innovates in Safety, Improves quality, and Optimizes expenditure.

An artificial intelligence monitoring solution that amplifies road safety, promotes anti-littering conduct, and creates a new revenue stream for the government.

The AI traffic solution is an intelligently designed, efficient and, scalable AI monitoring system that significantly speeds up or even eliminates the manual work currently put into traffic management. The solution is tailor-made to make operations more effective, staff more productive and organizations more profitable.

Innovates in Safety

Safety, reliability, and resilience benefits are arguably the highest priorities for our clients. Nearly 1.35 million people die each year of road traffic crashes, and more than half of all road traffic deaths are among vulnerable road users: pedestrians, litter crew, and motorcyclists. Authorities demand a safe system approach acknowledging human errors, which is also efficient and scalable.

The bases of this approach are safe highways, safe speeds, safe drivers, and safe road users, all of which must be tackled if fatal crashes and serious injuries are to be eliminated.

By harnessing the abundance of security cameras in cities and highways, our AIVI-smart road solution systematically monitors various traffic parameters. It equips the enforcement team with 24-hour online, proactive real-time detection and alerting systems covering the entire city road network alerting and reporting active events such as road accidents and traffic jams.

The system generates reports that are 100% accurate and can reduce the number of people who are killed or seriously injured on the network by 70%.


Minor Violations

The system accurately identifies offenders who have violated minor traffic laws and automatically registers to issue a penalty to the responsible driver or pedestrian.

Vehicle Search Engine

The system identifies and retrieves specific vehicle information from the CCTV feed, making it easier to map out stolen vehicles. It also records the trajectory and runs the face recognition algorithm, thus speeding up the process of cuffing the accused.

Arterial Road Congestion Detection

The solution calculates the number of stationary vehicles in congestion and immediately splits the traffic for smooth flow without external personnel.

Sailax AI Forecasting

Similar to weather forecasting, this solution predicts the traffic and pedestrian flow at a particular hour - making it easier for the enforcement team to divert traffic. Another advantage of this feature is that it can also predict accidents considering the external factors of a car, hence, reducing or eliminating untoward accidents.

Improves Environment Quality

According to statistics, almost $11.5 billion is spent per year in the United States to clean up litter. Each month, 9,250 bags of litter are collected from Valley freeways that total to about 1.2 million pounds of litter a year.

Seeking to remove or reduce the litter crew and other inspection teams from constant exposure to risk environments, - AIVI employs Artificial Intelligence to identify litter louts specifically vehicle-based littering offences.

The solution assists the crew by detecting the density of accumulation across areas and enables the maintenance crews to be scheduled only on-demand. This allows the teams to focus on other crucial tasks without compromising the quality of service.


  • The solution identifies all littering offences in real-time from the CCTV feeds and forwards them to the respective department to issue a penalty.
  • The system reduces the cost of litter clearance and creates a new revenue stream from automated detection.


  • Effectively equips the enforcement team
  • Improves safety of crew deployed
  • Detects and identifies violations in real-time
  • End-to-End solution
  • Harnesses the existing camera infrastructure
  • Utilizes a real-time and historic dashboard to analyze and forecast
  • Reduces staff required to do redundant work - maintenance, penalty issuing etc
  • Reduces the money spent on litter clearance
  • Generates a revenue stream for the government
  • Significantly reduces accidents
  • Encourages anti-littering conduct
  • The solution comes with a minimal or no hardware up-gradation

Data Security

Data Security is an indispensable requirement of an AI solution that monitors a public situation. Conforming to GDPR - Sailax AI's system confines the data captured by the CCTV to the premises by making it available only on the internal LAN.

Optimizes Expenditure

The revenue stream generated by the automatic detection of events and the reduced cost of litter clearance and staff - optimizes the government expenditure profitably. It helps achieve a year-on-year efficiency savings of 10% and significantly reducing accidents.

The technology has the capability of considerably reducing government expenditure and maximizing resources at front-line Traffic management. AIVI smart roads is a highly flexible and scalable solution that equips your system to meet evolving risk landscapes efficiently.
